
  • Facts For Every Expecting Dad!!!

    Facts For Every Expecting Dad!!!

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]Becoming a father is a journey which must be cherished and nurtured. My dvija wish to help you to live this to it’s fullest.

    Facts that every expecting father must know.

    1.Baby can hear you from 4th month of pregnancy so pl communicate and form that special bond

    2.Baby can recognize father through voice- so talk to baby separately then what you talk to wife

    3.Dads pl whistle to baby every day. This is a music which will bond you with baby better.

    4. Fathers your main focus should not be baby it must be supporting mom

    5. Do not fight or resist your partners emotional bursts- be patient and take deep breaths.

    6. Dads life is going to change, in a big way. So get ready for it.

    7. Take initiative to educate yourself with your partner.

    8. You have a special role as a father- in labor, breastfeeding and post delivery care

    9. fathers be expressing about your love. Do care and love- don’t pamper too much.

    10. she will need more of,  ‘I understand’ and ‘I am there for you’  than ‘I love you’

    *** being a parent is not a status- it’s a responsibility- so it must be shared

    To see you tube video about this. Click on given link


  • I Am Krishna And I Am Kansa

    I Am Krishna And I Am Kansa


    Yesterday was an outing day filled with satisfaction & joy. It was filled with finding happiness in the small things of life. By the end of the day voice was compromised due to excess talking. Started feeling very tired. At night had something unexpected happening, an emotional outburst that could make me cry. I have cried a lot in recent times but it was either out of gratitude or happiness but out of negative feelings cried after very long time. It put me through churning.

    Then mind started a game. As I have learnt, ‘it’s me who will decide which will be my dominating thoughts and feelings. In turn they will determine the outcome of that moment, that day, that week and yes! Broadly my whole life.

    What Krishna represents- being playful, being unconditional lover, being a warrior, having special powers. So actually the role for which he was sent on earth was clear. So he was equipped with things required with right thoughts and feelings. It would have been such boring life for him with all the power if that snake- Kalia had not came to his village. If he did not steal butter, so many demons did not attack him etc. exploring all shades and colors of life with smile.

    What Kansa represents- a king, power, loving brother, knowledge, warrior, strength, surrounded with lot of powerful people. So actually he was more equipped than Krishna who was growing in village.  Fear and uncertainty made him do what he did with his sister. So he did not live with right feelings and emotions. Imagine if he has not imprisoned his sister trusting that Akashwani(as per mythology), if he would have used his power and all people around him for betterment of humanity- the entire story of his life would have been very different.

    So my life gives me opportunity to be Krishna who chose right over good. Or it chooses bad over right like Kansa. It’s everyday, every minute which will be a deciding factor…

    5.15am Alarm rings- my mind has to choose snooze or get up- what is right- let me choose.

    5.40am its exercise time- body pain starts within mind- how to beat this mental game

    6.20am-  its time to sit for meditation- mind says take a nap for 20 more minutes so that you will not feel tired.

    Etc. etc. etc……

    So every moment of life offers to make a choice, depending on what I allow to be my dominating thoughts and feelings. There will be slips, fall, and wrong track. GET BACK! Know what is right! ACCEPT! We all will have Kansa popping in our heart once in a while . We have to decide what will be dominating within me. Let’s be a blessing to oneself by carrying Krishna within- a lover, a giver, a warrior and a blessing to people around.


  • I Can

    I Can

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]My life till age 14 can be written in three lines. ‘I was born. I turned 14. I was trying to be someone else to get attention’. Nothing worthwhile was achieved.

    I will always remember that day in my 10th std. That day i was reading a book (i think it was a business magazine) with tears rolling down. As that day I had become an object of mockery in front of my entire class, as I was trying to copy my teachers. You know that day ,I realised even in copying I was not best.

    Book had a line mentioned. Do you wish to lead or do you wish to follow. Something within started churning.

    Took a decision

    1. I will plan my studies

    2. I will decide the way I express in exams

    3. I will be the best version of me

    My teacher always says that, ’you are always one decision away from change.’ I passed with flying colors. I got admission into one of the best college in our area. Took few decisions as I entered college life …

    1. I want to improve for myself not to impress anyone

    2. I am the co author of my life with life.

    3. What drives me will decide where it leads me


    These decisions in my early days of life have helped to take my life in the new direction. Today when I look back I felt it’s so important to realise that I can create my path and walk on it rather copying someone’s footsteps.

    I have realised many of my actions in the past to get attention are still a part of my life but to get inspiration. Just a thought with which I carried action has changed. I follow my teacher’s teachings. I am still observing people around me to get better. I still share time with top performers so that I can observe, learn from them and improve in life.

    Changed Feelings can completely change the outcome of the action performed. Let’s get our feelings right, intentions on track and believe- I CAN LEAD.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • Most Unique Birthday Party!!!

    Most Unique Birthday Party!!!


    It all started as I was thinking how to celebrate my younger daughter’s 4th birthday! We decided to celebrate it in the home garden and with society kids. My elder one came with an idea, “Mumma, let’s do something out of the box.” So together we concluded that it will be a ‘mess’ party.

    While I was observing the Kids all these days, I realized that Kids have so much abundance around!  They see a lot of money that parents can spend. They receive all the comforts of life very early.  There must be something which can make them experience the other side of life. In our childhood the way we would have played! It was decided to go ahead with my elder daughter’s idea.

    I personally never witnessed a mess party. In fact, the invitation itself was one of its kind- “pl don’t send your kid in a party dress for the birthday party, no gifts though handmade greetings are welcome, no white, no frocks pl.” It provoked a lot of excitement amongst kids who were invited to know exactly why they have to wear simple clothes.

    Birthday preparations-

    1. Avengers cake
    2. Kids prepared medals for a friend- You are my champion friend
    3. Music was ready
    4. Balloon decoration around

    Mess activities planned for the day-

    1. Welcome every child with a spray of watercolor on full body

    *A start that brought smiles, laughter on each face.

    1. Sleeping and sitting dance on the grass

    *idea was to make them do those things which we avoid to do to be more sophisticated.

    1. We made kids sit on the floor- pour refined flour(maida) in front of them- added color water. All kids prepared their own clay and made shapes out of it.

    *this was the super highlight- boys and girls at that (4-8) age playing with it. There was flour everywhere cloths, face etc.

    1. Took a plate. We had hidden a chocolate beneath refined flour. Kids have to blow flour with the mouth, pick chocolate with mouth and eat. No use of hands.

    *This made a lot of noise as kids have to do it with eyes closed otherwise flour was going in their eyes.

    1. Lastly, every child has to find a partner. Paint a tattoo on their face and give a palm print on each other’s

    *I saw one little one just drawing dots on entire hand and at the end some cluster. I asked what it is, she replied, “Aunty, this animal went walking up so footprints.”

    A Birthday, I did not want to be customized by others. I wanted my kids and their friends to do it all by themselves! No prim prom.


    1. No chairs were kept. Kids have to sit on the floor.
    2. No napkins, towel or tissue kept- after every activity once they wash their hands they have to wipe hands with their clothes.
    3. Colors were an integral part of the party
    4. All friends departed with a medal- my champion friend


    My learning’s as a mother

    1. kids love to do mess which they might not get chance in future so I must create avenues
    2. Mess helps them to be involved completely and follow important instructions given irrespective of the party at home not even single thing in the garden was spoiled.
    3. Each medal that kids prepared- this will be a small gesture to tell each child- you are a bundle of potential- go and get all those and turn your dreams into reality.
    4. Handmade greetings gifted were so beautiful. Actually, it made every child do something for a friend with a super personal touch.


    It was all worth it to see my kids’ Siya and Saachi filled with laughter and happiness.

    Hey parents! We all try to gift every possible exposure to kids. Let’s do something which will help them to get in touch with their core.

    Thank you so many kids, you made my life beautiful with mess party.


